The Transitional Jobs (TJ) program is an employment program that offers unemployed residents immediate work. TJ is a program of Wisconsin’s Department of Children and Families. the purpose of TJ is to enhance employment opportunities for people who have difficulty entering and succeeding in the workforce. The TJ employment strategy helps individuals overcome employment barriers and transition into work by using wage-paid, short-term employment that combines real work, skills training, education and supportive services. TJ also offers job coaching, employability planning, life skills development, and limited vocational training, as well as job search assistance.
TJ promotes self-sufficiency by providing time-limited, public funded, wage-based jobs in public, non-profit, or for profit settings. The goal is to help eligible residents gain a foothold in the labor market with jobs that are available in the public and private sectors. TJ’s combination of training, work experience, case management, and supportive services will produce positive results for Central Wisconsin’s job seekers and the employers who “hire” program participants.