
Welcome from the Chief of Police
The Black River Falls Police Department is dedicated to providing professional and respectful service through a partnership with the community that builds trust, reduces crime, creates a safe environment, and enhances the quality of life within our community
I am honored and humbled to be the Chief of such a great community. I believe in collaboration with all members of our community. The police department will only be as good as the partnerships it creates with the community. Together, through information sharing and crime fighting strategies, we can improve the quality of life.
The Black River Falls Police Department is comprised of the finest employees who share the same vision, of innovative thinking and goal setting. We are committed to delivering excellent service to our community. We will strengthen community relationships through transparency and and bring back legitimacy with our actions. We are dedicated to building a strong relationship of mutual trust between the police department and community. We know, this relationship is critical to maintaining public safety and effective policing.
I can be reached at the Black River Falls Police Department (715) 284- 9155 or by Email brfpd.chief@blackriverfallswi.gov. You can also reach our department on FaceBook (Black River Falls PD)
Fillable Forms
To report a crime or concern you must first contact Jackson County Dispatch at (715) 284-5357 ext. 180, or always dial 911 in case of an emergency. They will get you connected with the on duty Black River Falls Police Officer.
Complete these forms only if you have already been in contact with an officer and they have advised you to do so. After completing the forms, you can either save a PDF or print and scan them into your computer. Scanned attachments should be sent to the email address listed above unless otherwise directed by the officer. You may also drop printed forms off in person during regular business hours; Monday through Friday, 8am to 4pm.
Victim/ Witness Information
As a crime victim in Wisconsin, you have rights. The criminal justice system will need you to take part in the court process, so the person(s) responsible for the crime can be held accountable. Our department works closely with the Jackson County District Attorney’s office. Please follow this link to learn more about your rights and what resources may be available to you.
Police Department Services and Information
Our department provide full-time law enforcement coverage for the city of Black River Falls, WI; population 3622. We have approximately 10 sworn officers and a civilian administrative assistant.
Our office phone lines are not monitored 24/7. To report a crime or to speak to the on duty officer, please contact Jackson County Dispatch at 715-284-5357 ext. 180. In case of an emergency, always dial 911.
We are a WI DMV Partner and offer a limited variety of vehicle registration and renewal services for an additional counter fee. This service is only available Monday through Friday, 8am to 3:30pm; holidays excluded. We are not a full service DMV; please call the WI DMV directly at (608) 264-7447 with any questions or visit their website. Credit cards and debit cards are subject to an additional convenience fee otherwise cash, local checks and money orders are accepted.
Need to dispose of expired or unused medications? There is a drug collection box next to our police department window; it is available any time that City Hall is open and is free for the public to use. Medications accepted are: pills, liquids, ointments and medication patches. They can be over the counter, prescription or even pet medications. Please keep medications in their original container or securely closed in a zip top bag. NOTE: We cannot accept needles or anything sharp! There is a collection bin available for sharps at the Jackson County Dept. of Health and Human Services, 421 County Rd. R, Black River Falls, WI. There may be a small fee so if you have questions reach out to them at (715) 284-4301.
Parking tickets issued by the Black River Falls Police Department may be paid at the window during regular business hours, mailed or you can pay with a credit or debit card through the HeyGov link at the lower right. Credit cards and debit cards are subject to an additional convenience fee; otherwise cash, local checks and money orders are accepted. If you would like a receipt for a mailed payment, please also include a self-addressed and stamped envelope with your payment. All other citations must be paid at the Clerk of Court’s office located inside the Jackson County Courthouse, 307 Main St., Black River Falls, WI. For citation questions please contact them at (715) 284-0208.
We do not offer fingerprinting services. Please contact the Jackson County Jail at (715) 284-5357 ext. 175 for more information.